Thursday, July 7, 2011

125 Essays!

Frances Irene Worth King, my maternal grandmother took a memoirs and recollections class in the '80s. After 11 years, what resulted was a priceless collection of her memories and thoughts. Each of the 125 essays were written as an assignment for her class, taught by Bill Downey in Santa Barbara. She was a manuscript typist, and every one of these are perfectly typed, double spaced, with page numbers.

As I start to match her essays with stories from my life, I realize how similar my Grandmother Frances (Granmamum) and I are. My life mirrors hers, and her writings have given me wonderful insights into family lineage, dispositions, similarities and bloodline. I will be posting some excerpts from her writings, along with mine.

In order to accomplish this writing project, I sold everything (piano, car, household furniture,) released the Big Island Hawaii home I rented for 13 years, and freed up my time by house sitting. My goal is to find a publisher by summer's end and start more writing projects.



  1. this is just wonderful and I love the blog site "books". in fact GREAT!

  2. Thanks Mom, my biggest supporter! This is just one more move to manifest my dream of getting these published. :)

  3. Awesome! Can't wait to read the published book!! Monica

  4. This is so awesome Maata! I love it all and look forward to everything written by you and grandmamum! Keep up the good works!
